Massage Modalities
Your massage session will incorporate a combination of modalities along with essential oils best suited to your body and needs.
Therapeutic Massage
Therapeutic massage involves the manipulation of the soft tissue structures of the body to prevent and alleviate pain, discomfort, muscle spasm, and stress; and to promote health and wellness.
Lymphatic Massage
A style of massage that stimulates the circulation of lymph through the lymphatic system using light, rhythmic techniques intended to promote the absorption of interstitial fluid by stimulating flow in lymphatic channels. Good for cleansing and detoxing.
Deep Tissue Massage
This technique is used to relieve tension in the muscles and fascia. It focuses on the muscles beneath the top surface muscles. Deep Tissue is recommended for athletes, or others who are involved in intense physical activity, and people who experience consistent pain or have been injured.
Swedish Relaxation Massage
The goal of Swedish Relaxation Massage is to bring whole body relaxation with long strokes, directing blood to the heart. Helps to reduce pain, inflammation and joint stiffness and to increase circulation.
Polarity Therapy
Consists of specific manipulations from light to deep touch aimed at releasing tension and balancing the energy in the body to restore the life force.
Is a gentle, hands-on approach that releases tensions deep in the body to relieve pain and dysfunction and improve whole-body health and performance.